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Nos principales références

Benjamin Graham
Seth Klarman
Benjamin Graham
Peter Lynch
James Montier
Guy Spier
Howard Marks
Warren Buffett
James O'Shaughnessy
Warren Buffett
Joel Greenblatt
Francisco Garcia Paramés
James Montier
William Green
Rober Shiller
Warren Buffett
Charlie Munger
Charles Brandes

Pour aller plus loin

  • Akerlof, G., & Shiller, R. (2013). Les Esprits animaux : Comment les forces psychologiques mènent la finance et l'économie. Flammarion.
  • Asch, S. (1952). Social Psychology. Prentice Hall.
  • Athanassakos, G. (2011). Do Value Investors Add Value? Journal of Investing, vol. 20, n° 2, pp. 86-100.
  • Basu, S. (1977). Investment Performance of Common Stocks in Relation to Their Price-Earnings Ratios: A test of the Efficient Market Hypothesis. The Journal of Finance, vol. 32, n° 3, pp. 663-682.
  • Basu, S. (1983). The Relationship Between Earnings' Yield, Market Value And Return For NYSE Common Stocks: Further Evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, n° 12, pp. 129-156.
  • Bauman, W., Conover , C., & Miller, R. (1998). Growth versus Value and Large-Cap versus Small-Cap Stocks in International Markets. Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 54, n° 2, pp. 75-89.
  • Bogle, J. (2008), Le petit livre pour investir avec bon sens. Valor Éditions.
  • Brandes, C. (2004). Value Investing Today. McGraw-Hill.
  • Browne, C. (2008). Le petit livre pour investir à bon prix. Valor Editions. 
  • Buffett, W. (1984). The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville. Hermes, Columbia Business School.
  • Buffett, W., & Cunningham, L. (2009). Les écrits de Warren Buffett : Les seuls conseils donnés par Warren Buffett aux investisseurs et aux managers. Valor Éditions.
  • Buffett, W. (2012). Why Stocks Beat Gold and Bonds. Fortune International, vol. 165 pp. 40-45.
  • Buffett, M., & Seah, S. (2020). Les 7 secrets de Warren Buffett pour devenir riche. Dunod.
  • Cheng, C. (2019). Confirmation Bias in Investments. International Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 11, n° 2, pp. 50-55.
  • Connors, R. (2010). Warren Buffett On Business, Principles from the sage of Omaha. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Cowles, A. (1933). Can Stock Market Forecasters Forecast. Econometrica, vol. 1, n° 3, pp. 309-324.
  • Davydov, D., Tikkanen, J., & Äijö, J. (2016). Magic Formula vs. Traditional Value Investment Strategies in the Finnish Stock Market. Nordic Journal of Business, vol. 65, pp. 38-54.
  • De Bondt, W. F., & Thaler, R. (1987). Further Evidence on Investor Overreaction and Stock Market Seasonality. Journal of Finance, vol. 42, n° 3, pp. 557-581.
  • Dreman, D., & Berry, M. (1995). Analyst Forecasting Errors and Their implications for Security Analysis. Financial Analysts Joumal, vol. 51, n° 3 pp. 30-41.
  • Eveillard, J. (2016). En bourse, investissez dans la valeur. Valor Edition.
  • Fisher, L., & Lorie, J. (1970). Some Studies of Variability of Returns on Investments in Common Stocks. The Journal of Business, vol. 43, n° 2, pp. 99-134.
  • Franklin, B. (1884). La science du bonhomme Richard et conseils pour faire fortune. Limoges: E.Ardant.
  • Garcia Paramés, F. (2018). Investir à long terme. Valor Editions.
  • Graham, B. (2018). L'investisseur Intelligent. Valor Éditions.
  • Graham, B., & Dodd, D. (2015). Security analysis. Valor Editions.
  • Green, W., (2022). Plus riche, plus sage, plus heureux. Valor Editions.
  • Greenblatt, J. (2006). Le petit livre pour battre le marché. Valor Editions.
  • Greenwald, B., Kahn, J., Sonkin, P., & van Biema, M. (2002). Investir dans la valeur : de Benjamin Graham à Warren Buffett et même au-delà. Valor Editions.
  • Gustavsson, O., & Strömberg, O. (2017). Magic Formula Investing and T Swedish Stock Market. Lund University School of Economics and Management.

  • Hayek, F. (1953). Scientisme et sciences sociales : Essai sur le mauvais usage de la raison. Traduit par Barre, R. Librairie Plon.

  • Hagstrom, R. (2014). Les stratégies de Warren Buffett. Valor Editions

  • Hagstrom , R. (2000). Le portefeuille de Warren Buffett. Valor Editions

  • Hayek, F. (1960). The Constitution of Liberty. Routledge & Kegan Paul
  • Hayek, F. (1937). Economics and Knowledge. Economica, vol. 4, n° 13, pp. 33-54.
  • Hayek, F. (1945). The Use of Knowledge in Society. The American Economic Review, vol. 35, n° 4, pp. 519-530.
  • Hazlitt, H. (1998). The Foundations of Morality . Foundation for Economic Education.
  • Houssel, M. (2022). La psychologie de l'argent. Valor Editions
  • Huerta de Soto, J. (2007). L'École autrichienne, marché et créativité entrepreneuriale. Paris : Institut Charles Coquelin.

  • Jean-Jacques, D. (2003). The 5 keys to value investing. McGraw-Hill.

  • Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect Theory : An Analysis of Decision Under Risk. Econometrica, vol. 47, n° 2, pp. 263-291.

  • Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J., & Thaler, R. (1990). Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem. Journal of Political Economy, vol 47, n° 3, pp. 263-291.

  • Kirby, R. (1997). You Need More than Numbers to Mesure Performance. In C. Ellis, & J. Vertin, The investor's anthology : original ideas from the industry's greatest minds. John Wiley and Sons.

  • Klarman, S. (1991). Margin of Safety : Risk-averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor. Harper Collins.

  • Lakonishok, J., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. (1994). Contrarian Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk. The Journal of Finance, vol. 49, n° 5, pp. 1541-1578.

  • Loeb, G. (1965). The Battle For Investment Survival. Fraser Publishing Company.

  • Loeb, G. (1989). Is there an Ideal Investment ? Some "don'ts" in Security Programs What to Buy-and when Diversification of Investments. Dans C. Ellis, & J. Vertin, An Investor's Anthology. The Most Interesting Ideas and Concepts from the Literature of Investing (p. 266-276). The Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst.

  • Lynch, P. (1999). Et si vous en saviez assez pour gagner en Bourse. Valor Editions.

  • Lynch, P. (2015). Battre Wall Street. Valor Editions.

  • Mangot, M. (2007). 50 petites expériences en psychologie de l'épargnant et de l'investisseur. Dunod.

  • Marks, H. (2018). La chose la plus importante. Valor Editions.

  • Marks, H. (2020). Maîtriser les cycles du marché. Valor Editions.

  • Miller, J. (2023). Les lois de l'investissement de Warren Buffett. Alisio.

  • Montier, J. (2009). Value Investing : Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

  • Munger, C. (2008). Poor Charlie's Almanack : The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger, Expanded Third Edition By Charles T. Munger. Hardcover.

  • Novy-Marx, R. (2013). The Quality Dimension of Value Investing. University of Rochester

  • O'Shaughnessy, J. (2018). Ce qui marche à Wall Street. Valor Editions.

  • Popper, K. (1973). La logique de la découverte scientifique. Payot.

  • Popper, K. (1985). Conjectures et réfutations. Payot.

  • Schloss, W. (1994). Factors Needed to Make Money in the Stock Market. Walter & Edwin Schloss Associates.

  • Schwed, F. (2003). Mais où sont les yachts des clients ? Les Éditions du Siècle.

  • Shiller, R. (2000). Exubérance irrationnelle. Valor Editions.

  • Sibony, O. (2014). Vous allez commettre une terrible erreur !. Clés des Champs.

  • Siegel, J. (2014). Stocks for the Long Run: The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns & Long-Term Investment Strategies. McGraw-Hill Professional ; 5th Revised edition.

  • Spier, G. (2023). L'éducation d'un investisseur dans la valeur. Valor Editions.

  • Taleb, N. (2010). Le cygne noir. Les belles lettres.

  • Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1981). The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice. Science New Series, vol. 211, n° 4481, pp. 453-458.

  • von Mises, L. (1949). L'action Humaine. Traduit par Audoin, R. (2011). Institut Coppet.

  • von Mises, L. (1927). Le libéralisme. Traduit par de Quengo, H. (2006). Institut Charles Coquelin.

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